Life is a teaching

Life is a teaching

Wisdom is gained not only by experience but through our transformation of the experience, crystallising its gifts into jewels that we bear and carry with us, forever changed - wisdom

Have you been longing for something or asked for a wish or dream?

Life may have responded with a challenge, which we can often see as a roadblock: when it is in fact a roadmap.

If we can understand that every experience is a teaching and that it is in our approach to that teaching that we either gain (expand) or are defeated (shrink) we can then choose to rise up to meet the challenge. Another way to see this is that if we were not met with resistance we would not shift and change, the resistance is created for our trans-formation, otherwise, we would stay comfortable and not move towards our evolution or dream.

Understanding that this resistance is simply here to teach us, to make us stronger through the adversity it presents; to support us to expand into another state of consciousness we have not yet inhabited so that we can meet with our desires and dreams. The desire is the seed, the resistance is the teacher: the dream is the next state of awareness we absorb.

-jewels of wisdom emerge when we are connected, all we need to do is ask and the answers and insights appear-

So next time you find yourself being met with resistance ask: what is this teaching me? Why has life brought me this? And enter the well for your answer.

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